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FAMOUS CATS THROUGHOUT HISTORY: Meet Some Purr-fect Celebrities

Cats have long been cherished companions to humans, and some felines have risen to fame, leaving an indelible mark on history.  From ancient temples to modern-day political offices, these famous cats have charmed their way into the hearts of people across the ages.  In this blog, we will explore the lives and legacies of some of the most famous cats in history, celebrating their unique contributions to human society.





Bastet’s Cats

In ancient Egypt, cats were revered as sacred animals, closely associated with the goddess Bastet, the deity of home, fertility and protection.


Egyptians believed cats were magical creatures capable of bringing good luck to the people who housed them. To honour these treasured pets, wealthy families dressed them in jewels and fed them treats fit for royalty. Cats were so highly regarded that harming one could result in severe punishment, and many families kept cats as beloved pets and protectors of their households. When the cats died, they were often mummified.


But Egyptians did not worship felines. Rather, they believed these 'feline' deities shared certain character traits with the animals. Bastet is probably the best-known feline goddess from Egypt. Initially depicted as a lioness, Bastet assumed the image of a cat or a feline-headed woman in the 2nd millennium BCE.



The Cats of Rome


Roman society also valued cats, primarily for their rodent-hunting skills. Cats were often found in Roman households and depicted in various artworks and mosaics. They played a crucial role in protecting food supplies from pests and were considered symbols of independence and freedom.



Cardinal Richelieu’s Cats – 1630s

Cardinal Armand Jean de Pleissis, 1st Duke of Richelieu and  Fronsac, the powerful French stateman, was known for his love of cats.  He kept a large number of them in his palace and personally cared for them.    He became known as the “crazy cat man.”  Richelieu’s cats were so important to him that he provided for their well-being in his will, ensuring they would be cared for after his death.  His devotion to his feline companions left a lasting legacy of compassion and kindness towards animals.  In the 1640s, it was documented that he had fourteen cats.


Felicette, the Space Cat  (1963 -) 

In 1963, Felicette, a black-and-white stray cat from Paris, became the first and only cat to travel to space.  Selected by the French space program, Felicette underwent extensive training before her historic flight.  She was launched aboard a suborbital flight and safely returned to earth, providing valuable data on the effects of space travel on living organisms.  Felicette’s journey remains a remarkable achievement in the history of space exploration.



Socks the First Cat (1989 – 1909) 

Socks was a black-and-white cat who became an international sensation during Bill Clinton's presidency. Adopted by the Clinton family in Arkansas, Socks moved with them to the White House, where he quickly became a media darling. Known for his friendly demeanour and photogenic looks, Socks often appeared at official events and was even featured in his own children’s book.



Stubbs – the Honourary Mayor (1997 – 2017)


Stubbs, a cat with a distinctive orange coat, served as the honourary mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, for 20 years.  Though the title was largely ceremonial, Stubbs attracked many tourists and brought a sense of charm and whimsy to the community.  Stubbs’ tenure as mayor highlighted the special bond between cats and their human admirers.


Maru – the Internet Celebrity Cat (2007 - )

Maru is a male Scottish Straight cat in Japan who has become popular on YouTube. Videos featuring Maru and his love for boxes have been viewed over 535 million times and, at one point, held the Guinness World Record for the most YouTube video views of an individual animal. Maru has been described as the "most famous cat on the internet.


Dorofei – the Kremlin Cat  (2004 – 2014)

One of the most well-known cats in recent history is Dorofei, a handsome colour point who belonged to former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and his wife, Svetlana.  Dorofei lived a life of luxury in the Kremlin, becoming an unofficial symbol of Russian feline pride.  His presence in the high-profile political sphere drew attention to the Siberian breed, showcasing its elegance and charm to the world.


 Willy Gorbachev

It's reported that at one time the Medvedevs lived near Mikhail Gorbachev, former leader of the Soviet Union, who also had a cat, and the two felines got into a fight. According to Moscow's daily newspaper Moskowsky Komsomolets, the Siberian came off second best and had to be given antibiotics for a month to recover his health. More drastically, he was then neutered to discourage future fighting.



 Grumpy Cat (2012 – 2019)

Grumpy Cat, whose real name was Tardar Sauce, became an international sensation due to her permanently grumpy expression.  Her unique facial features, caused by feline dwarfism and an underbite, made her a viral sensation.  What began as a simple cat photo morphed into a sprawling business that sold an endless array of useless online products. Far from her humble beginnings as a simple Reddit meme, Grumpy Cat became completely commoditized.   Her image was widely shared on social media, and she became the face of numerous memes, merchandise and even starred in her own movie.  Her fame brought laughter to millions, cementing her place in[pop culture history. She died in 2019 from a urinary tract infection.


 Masha – the Heroine Cat

Masha, a stray Siberian cat in Obninsk, Russia, became an international heroine in 2015.  This courageous feline found an abandoned baby in a cardboard box on a cold winter night.  Masha climbed into the box and kept the baby warm until help arrived.  Her nurturing instincts and bravery captured people’s hearts worldwide, highlighting the Siberian breed’s caring and protective nature.


 India Bush (1990 – 2009)

India Bush has the distinction of being on the popular genealogy website – Find a Grave -


USA Presidental Feline and Cat First cat India "Willie" Bush (July 13, 1990 – January 4, 2009) was the beloved and loyal pet black cat of U.S. President George W. Bush and his family while he was in the White House. India, a female American Shorthair cat lived with the Bush family for almost two decades. She was born on July 13, 1990 and died on January 4, 2009 (aged 18)

White House, Washington DC, USA

Internet Sensations: Siberian Cats Go Viral

In the age of social media, many Siberian cats have become internet sensations. Cats like Nala and Thor have amassed large followings on platforms like Instagram and YouTube. Their striking looks and playful antics have endeared them to millions of fans, making them modern-day cat celebrities. These internet-famous Siberians are helping to promote the breed's characteristics and charm to a global audience.






From ancient temples to the halls of the Kremlin to the modern digital age, cats have been more than just pets.  Cats have captured the imagination and hearts of people everywhere.  They are companions, protectors, and even celebrities.  The famous cats in history remind us of the unique and cherished bond between humans and felines; a relationship that has endured for thousands of years.  Whether revered as deities, serving in political offices, or entertaining millions online, these cats have left an indelible paw print on human history. 





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